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Andrini Marmellate - L'orto in Vaso Puntarelle

Andrini Marmellate - L'orto in Vaso Puntarelle

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Andrini Marmellate L'orto in Vaso Puntarelle - 500g
16.80 $

This is a perfect product as an appetizer but also to accompany cured meats and cheeses.
Delicious with both boiled and grilled meats.
Fresh and fragrant, a delicate sweet and sour, the bright colors are due to the processing of quality raw materials.

Our vegetables retain all their crunchiness--perfect even with a crouton.

Manufacturer: Andrini Marmellate

Format : 500g

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Andrini Marmellate - L'orto in Vaso Puntarelle


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