It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Cotechino al Cucchiaio - Macelleria Mastra Alebardi
04/12/2015 - The Cotechino al Cucchiaio of the master butcher shop Alebardi is a traditional but innovative product. It is basically a classic Cotechino, but it is extremely soft thanks to the particular lavoration of the pork rind, thanks to this fact the product acquires a very pronounced cremosity that makes it particularly pleasant. It is adviced to serve the product using a spoon and side it with lentils, purée, or a classic cornmeal mush.
Articolo tratto da: OIP Editing

Recipe: Cotechino with Lenticchie.
Ingredients: - 1 Cotechino al Cucchiaio Macelleria Mastra Alebardi
- 2cl olive oil
- 1 shallot
- 500g Agrirape dry lentils
- 100g tomato sauce
- 300cl water
- salt and pepper

Boil a pot full of water and cook the Cotechino al cucchiaio for 5\6 hours.
Meanwhile peel and slice thinly a shallot and a carrot and cook them in a pan with some olive il at mid flame, after the shallot will be browned add the lentils Agrirape and make it cook for almost 1 minute. So add the tomato, cover all for with water and boil it for 30\40 minutes until the lentils will be soft but won't be mushed and spice them with pepper and salt and serve them with the Cotechino after having drained it.


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