It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Adamo biologic extra virgin olive oil is born among the green Alcamo hills.
01/02/2017 - The cold extraction method makes Adamo extra virgin olive oil a biologic product endowed with excellent organoleptic properties. Colour, taste and optimal digestibility for avery recipe. Unique characteristics are determined by particular cautions used during the pick up and milling. The olives are hand picked when they're still not mature at all: an excellent product with a fruity taste and low acidity, milling with granite millstones, cold temperature extraction. The cold temperature extraction method makes the Adamo extra virgin olive oil a biologic product endowed with excellent organoleptic properties. Colour, taste and optimal digestibility. Funded in 1913, Adamo company produces its products following the biological agriculture rules.
Articolo tratto da: OIP Editorial Department


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