It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Armatore: History of Cetara's Anchovies
The history of Cetara is directly linked to the Alici, the fishing of this fish has shaped its economic and social fabric for centuries. The product par excellence, Colatura di Alici, has evidence of its presence as "Garum" since Roman times, while monks during the 12th century codified its production methods. Today, the reality of Cetara is still inextricably linked to fishing, and a perfect example of this is the Armatore family, who have run the company of the same name and have been at sea for four generations. This leads Armatore to consider the sea on the coast not only as a source of their earnings, but as a true companion to be respected and preserved. In fact, the company practices sustainable fishing and is committed to respecting the health of the seas through a series of measures that protect their habitats, biodiversity and the long-term viability of the species hunted through the use of of selective fishing techniques only from stocks that are not overfished. Armatore's Anchovies are still fished at night and processed a few hours later, according to the centuries-old techniques of Cetarese tradition, maintaining authentic aromas and flavours.
Articolo - 12/05/2023 - ( Network O.I.P. )


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