It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Fina Kike : Il Traminer Naturalizzato Siciliano
The story of Kikč, Traminer Aromatico of Fina winery in Marsala, is made of experimentation and audacity, born from the idea that a grape such as Traminer, known to be suited to climates and latitudes completely opposed to the hot and sunny Sicily, could show here new facets and potentialities of its typical aromaticity. After four vintages released, it is now a well established reality, no more an experiment, but a confirmation that here Traminer has been able to find a terroir which exalts its characteristics, with the typical fruity and floral notes of the grape accompanied by an excellent sapidity, which therefore facilitates the drinkability and exalts its crispness. You just have to try the 2020 vintage, just arrived directly from the winery!
Articolo - 02/04/2021 - ( Network O.I.P. )


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