It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Aged Caciocavallo- Caseificio Poma
It is a typical spun paste cheese, spread all over the kingdom of the two Sicilies. It is produced using bovine milk adding rennet, milk ferments and salt. Caseificio Poma produces this type of cheese artisanally, due to the fact that it is hand-made during all the processes, in order to facilitate the control of the genuineness of the product and maintain its authenticity at the same time. The paste is consistent and compact enriched by a spicy taste at advanced aging. It is an excellent to elevate the taste of both starters and main courses. Moreover with the ageing, hardening, it is also suitable for being grated to become a great condiment for the main courses.
Articolo - 30/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Pratum Coller By Andrea Pirlo Company philosophy can be summed up in one sentence:
The Pratum Coller Company philosophy can be summed up in one sentence: "guiding without forcing". The vineyard must be accompanied during its growth the maturation of the grapes, to help it give us what we desire: honest, true and savoury grapes. The management of the vineyards includes interventions that implies the lowest environmental impact using products certificated for the biological agriculture. Biodiversity is the key word of the company. The vineyard but also the woods, the moats, the banks, the edges and the lawns are all parts of a territory in which the respect of the natural balance must be the first priority. We cultivate the typical local varieties: Marzemino, Merlot, Barbera and San Gives with the presence of Black Pinot, Syrah, Petit Verdot and Cabernet Sauvignon. The white variety is Trebbiano di Lugana. The strength of Pratum Coller wines derives form the very low yield that let the vineyards concentrating their energies on the production of complex and elegant wines. For the top wines, Nitor and Arduo, the yields are 50 q\h for the white and 40 q\h for the red one, whereof grapes are selected among the oldest vineyards. Pratum cooler currently produces 4 kinds of wines: the rosè Eos, the white Nitor, the reds Redeo and Arduo.
Articolo - 27/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Bagoss- Traditional Cheese from Bagolino
The Bagoss is a strong cheese that doesn't leave indifferent who tastes it, it has an intense flavour, almost hot due to its long aging. The Saffron gives it the characteristic straw yellow clour and making it particularly aromatic. It is produced in Bagolino, a medieval village surrounded by the Alpine Mounts in the province of Brescia. Nowadays the cheese-makers of Bagolino still produce it through artisanal methods within the Alpine huts which during the summer are used as shelter for the cattle: raw milk partially skimmed that comes from the Alpine cows, to which is added saffron during the breaking of the curd. It ages at least for 18 months, in some cases for 2 or 3 years. The wheels weigh from 16 to 22 kgs, they are massaged with linseed oil that releases a brown-ocher colour on the surface. The unique taste of the Bagos besides the saffron is given by the fodder that grows in this uncontaminated among the Vaia, Bruffione and Maniva mounts, between 1700 and 2000 meters of altitude. The cheese is a Slow Food Praesidium. The Bagoss is used for the preparation of fillings, cornmeal mush with cheeses, or simply grated on pasta or rice. The crust gives taste to soups. It should be accompanied by full-bodied aged red wines but also by young sparkling white wines.
Articolo - 25/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Nebrodi mounts black pig Culatello
The Suino Nero cured meats are produced in an area that belongs to the Nebrodi mountains an it exactly coincide with the whole Nebrodi natural park, where the wide woods offer an irreplaceable habitat for the black pig. The method for breeding the Sicilian black pig is mainly "en plein air", fed with barley and broad beans or buds in some cases. Only a few examples live free-range, eating the spontaneous vegetation of the undergrowth (acorns, tubers, chestnuts,hazelnuts ecc.) The Culatello is one of the most prestigious cured meat of the italian tradition. Taking as a model the raw ham that is made up of the internal thigh, the culatello is obtained through the aging, for 18 months at least, of the rear thigh muscle only. It is left to mature bagged in a bowel, which later is tied with a thick net of ropes. Its weight swing between the 3 and 5 kilos; its shape traditionally reminds of a pear.
Articolo - 23/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Selected offer for or customer: Amarone Valpolicella Quintarelli 2006
The Cantina Quintarelli Giuseppe is in Cerè di Negrar, on Cà Paletta mount, on the east side of the Negrar valley, the vineyards are westward exposured. The cultivation system of the vineyards, in the old structures, follows the Pergola Veronese method while in the new ones are Guyot. Our wines have 2 particular characteristics: a natural aptitude to the long refinement, that leads to improve the product even after 20 years, and a surprising vivacity, that express themselves for a long time after the opening of the bottle. The vineyards mostly surround the wine cellar and they lay on a basaltic ground. The rest of the property includes some lands in Sant'Ambrogio, in the well known Conca d'Oro, Montorio and Vagatara. We put our best attention on the particulars, like the use of vine wood poles, precautions on the prunings, wooden cases for the grape harvest. These are the arrangements adopted to guarantee the best quality of wine respecting the traditions. Complexity, character and uniqueness of the aromas are the essential characteristics of the Quintarelli wines, that perfectly represent their territory, bringing the unique character of the Amarone.
Articolo - 20/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

ACQUERELLO, THE RICE, better, richer, wealthier
Thanks to a patented method that was developed by the Rondolino family, the gemma is sift through the chaff and then reintegrated to the white rice. The Acquerello rice is the only one in the world reintegrated with its own gemma. Acquarello is a Superthin Carnaroli rice, cultivated and packed by the Rondolino family in Tenuta Colombara, in the middle of the city of Vercelli. Its grains are complete, compact, shelled and savory, it is the only that always fits perfectly for every recipe.
Articolo - 19/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

L’AZIENDA PAOLO BONOMELLI: From the Field to the Bottle
Paolo Bonomelli Boutique Olive Farm is placed in Torri del Benaco, on the eastern side of the Lake of Grada, called "La Riviera degli Ulivi"(the olive tree coast) for its characteristics that particularly favour the production of extra virgin olive oil with unique properties. The morphological characteristics of this area and its the nature of its grounds of drumlin origin, the particular eviromental and microclimatic conditions with derives from the presence of the lake have favoured in the whole area, since the ancient times, the grown, the cultivation and the development of the olive tree, so to become the northest European territory in which the olive culture is spread. Paolo Bonomelli Boutique Olive Farm is equipped with all the necessary structures and requisites to guarantee the monitoring of the production chain and the traceability of all the products during every phase of the production, under the direct responsibility of Paolo Bonomelli.
Articolo - 18/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Sicilian Oranges, Clementinas and Lemons
The oranges, clementines and lemons sale is open. The Agricultural Company Guerraggi (italian excellences 2016) is placed in Ribera, Magone locality, almost 4kms far form the sea, in the middle of an area in which the best Sicilian oranges have been being produced for centuries. The products we're selling are "Washington Navel" quality oranges, and there are 3 available varieties: the juice (smaller), the table and the fioroni (very big).
Articolo - 17/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

We cultivate all our lands with the biological method: a natural choice
Timilia pasta derives from an ancient Sicilian biologic durum wheat variety. Valdibella produces Timilia (or Tumminia) through biologic method, recent studies have proved that the high presence of internal fibers in the wheat caryopsis, make it particularly fine from the nutritional point of view. Moreover, the weak gluten make this variety a very digestible product and easily tolerated by the human's intestine. The pasta is produced using water that comes from a natural spring without any industrial process, an then it is dried at a low temperature and for a long time in order to maintain all the nutritional principles and oganoleptic contents of the original raw material.
Articolo - 16/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Cascina Conte is an agricultural company that produces biological wines
Cascina Conte produce a Dogliani Dolcetto (a wine variety from Piedmont) selecting grapes form different vine varieties, and a finer one using grapes of Pirocchetta, a 60 years old vineyard form which an extraordinary wine has been always obtained. We gained a new vineyard resulting from the mixture of 2 different plots of land (half Babera and half Nebbiolo).
Articolo - 11/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Barbero Nougat from since 1883
The artisanal production of the Barbero nougat requires a 7 long cooking into steam boilers that needs the employment of the fresh egg albumen. The Torrone D'Asti Barbero is produced through artisanal methods, using Piedmontese Igp manually selected hazelnuts, following a recipe that dates back to the 1883. This particular nougat doesn't contain any food jelly and is still produced with egg albumen as the Barbero tradition says.
Articolo - 10/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Franciacorta Extra Brut Naturalis 2009 La Valle
There are 6 kinds of Franciacorta wines: the Brut Primum, curvèe of the 3 grapes contemplated by the Docg disciplinary code, obviously the Satèn which is the synthesis between the Chardonnay and the white Pinot, the Rosé in which the black Pinot meets with a quote of Chardonnay, the Dosage Zero reserve Zerum, pure Chardonnay, with a 60 months refinement on the yeast, the Brut vintage Regium (itself too a 100% Chardonnay), and the Extra Brut vintage Naturalis, curvèe of Chardonnay, white Pinot and balck Pinot, of which i tasted the 2009 year. In this occasion i tasted the Extra Brut Blanc de Noirs 2011 too which isn't mentioned in the website of the company, but i'd rather set aside the judgment for another tasting occasion.
Articolo - 05/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Great Italian Cured Meats. The Camarin: artisan reality of the San Daniel raw ham
A little production, only few thousands units for year, to obtain one of the best San Daniele Dop raw ham, sold in alimentary botiques and among the high quality restaurants. Which are the secrets for this result? The same as always: very large and selected thighs, accurately measured salt, a careful and skillful production, a long aging in the right enviroment and abundance of enzyme. Raw ham between the 14 and 24 months and a 3 year reserve: only tastable at the bar-bistro of the company. Sergio's raw ham the 24 months Il Camarin is an high category San daniele. Its aspect is wonderful: the thin part is red rose-colured tending to the orange with a spread and wide moire and a clean fat part. It's aroma is stunningly pleasant, sweet(particullary near the fat), both delicated and complex, clean and balanced. The flavor analysis reveals an amazing balance between sapidity and sweetness in which the first is correct and never dominates the second, enriched by dried fruit and boiled milk. Endowed with great structure and chewability. The tastes and especially the aromas are more complex in the 36 months reserve, the Dolcenero, deeper, evolved, captivating: a priceless gift offered by the time
Articolo - 04/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )

The Timilia or Tumminia Wheat and Flour by the Agricultural Company ADAMO
Well known all over Sicily, but also in the rest of Italy with dialect names: tumminia, timminia, trimmina. It is a wheat which is very resistant to dryness, fit for the cultivation is hot and dry areas, for this reason it is cultivated in South Italy. The Timlia flour is produced through ancient millstones nearby the city of Trapani, it is a whole flour, low tumbled, it contains a lot of oligo elements of the germs of wheat and bran; it has and high protein value and a low gluten index. CHARACTERISTICS: - Intestine's regularization - Easily digestible - Cultivated without using phytosanitaries - Rich of mineral salts, fibers and vitamins
Articolo - 02/11/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )


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