An inextricable link: Duca Enrico and Nero d'Avola 1999
This wine is part of the selection of vintage wines and collector wines that we have selected for you. We are constantly looking for rare and special vintages.
Currently there are 1492 wines included in our catalog in this category.
Are you looking for a special or specific wine? Then we recommend you to surf in the category VINTAGE WINES or perform a search on the page.
Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to our auction area, where we auction real "treasures". Articolo - 29/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Artisanal cheese Esposito: The buffalo milk mozzarella is shaped by our production master by hand
The Esposito family works for more than 30 years in the cheese production. 1997 the Caseificio Espositio moved to Eboli, in the heart of the area of origin of the buffalo mozzarella. The mozzarella is made by the traditional techniques which have been passed on from generation to generation. The mozzarella balls are molded by skilled hands. Articolo - 28/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Conte de Quirra: "Handcrafted beer is a fresh and original and 100% natural product"
Beer is one of the most common and oldest alcoholic beverages in the world.
The beer of Conte de Quirra is produced by alcoholic fermentation with the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Saccoromyces Carlsbergensis and barley malt.
Barley malt consists of germinated barley and it is usually called simply malt.
Handcrafted beer is not pasteurized and is produced without the addition of preservatives and using the best ingredients. Articolo - 27/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Caciocavallo Siciliano by caseificio Poma
Caciocavallo Siciliano of the dairy farm Poma is made from cow's milk, rennet, lactic bacteria and salt. The maturation of this cheese takes between three and six months. Articolo - 26/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
LA CAMPOFILONE receives the certification 100% MADE IN ITALY
La Campofilone has received a further recognition by the Istituto per la tutela dei Produttori Italiani (Institute for the Protection of Italian producers), which has awarded the company the certificate "100% Made in Italy". Articolo - 20/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
From 5 to 7 June 2015, the premier event for Chiaretto and rosé wines takes place in Moniga del Garda. Articolo - 18/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
I Peccati di Ciacco " Old gastronomic specialties"
Our passion for old culinary traditions has led us in our endeavor to have revalued gastronomic specialties of our territory and eventually produced this fine products. Articolo - 12/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Buffalo mozzarella is a fresh, genuine and distinctive product - Caseificio Esposito
The whole buffalo milk, which processes the Caseificio Esposito, comes from selected buffalo farms of the Sele plain. The processing of buffalo milk begins in transporting the freshly milked milk and then follow an instant analysis of the milk.
The rich and unique taste of buffalo milk and the high nutritional value make the buffalo mozzarella a king of the Mediterranean diet.
The mozzarella is in all its variants (Treccia, Bocconcini, Nodini ...) a healthy, traditional and artisanal food.
The buffalo mozzarella is the pride of the gastronomic tradition of the Campania region in the world. Articolo - 11/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Macelleria Balestri Davide "Quality is our tradition"
The cold cuts of Macelleria Balestri are typical of Tuscany and they differ from other providers because of their originality and the exceptionally high quality of its products. We only use the meat of pigs that are bred, raised and slaughtered in Tuscany and the other North and Central-Italian regions. Articolo - 07/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Spaghettoni by Pastificio Masciarelli awarded in 2013 by Gambero Rosso as the best pasta in Italy
The Pastificio Maciarelli began its work in the historic center of San Martino at the time of the unification of Italy. The pasta was put out to dry outside in the narrow street. The meal came from the mills directly from San Martino. Articolo - 04/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Franciacorta at Expo Milano 2015: the programme for the six months
Maurizio Zanella, President of the Franciacorta Consortium, and Roberto Arditti, Director of Institutional Affairs for Expo 2015, presented all the upcoming collaborations with the partners who will be working alongside Franciacorta during the World Exposition, as well as a packed programme of events and initiatives to promote Franciacorta and its origins in the area of Franciacorta. Articolo - 01/05/2015 - ( Network O.I.P. )
OIP S.R.L. The largest boutique for ITALIAN quality food at a fair price.
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