It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Busiate with Piennolo tomatoes and bottarga
Ingredients: - 500 g busiate "Pastificio Campo" - 250 g tin Pomodorini Piennolo del Vesuvio DOP - Bluefin tuna bottarga "Bottarga del Tonno Group" - 1 clove of Nubia garlic - Salt from Trapani - Extra Virgin Olive Oil IGP - mono-variety Leccino "Clivio degli Ulivi"
Articolo - 31/12/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Ribera oranges, Washington type
Ribera oranges of the type Washington are Sicilian blonde oranges that can be enjoyed as table or juice oranges. They are of the highest quality.
Articolo - 28/12/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Podere dei Folli: organic is a way of life
The history of the farm Podere dei Folli from Puegnago del Garda between wine, olive oil and honey. << We listen to the country and go back to our roots. >>
Articolo - 18/12/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Lentil soup with lentils from Villalba with Quadrucci
Ingredients for 4 people: - 250 g lentils from Villalba "Fastuchera" - 50 g quadrucci from Tumminia wheat "Fastuchera" - Organic extra virgin olive oil "Clivio degli Ulivi" - 1/2 onion - Salt from Trapani - 150 g pancetta "Az. Agricola Pontoglio"
Ricetta - 08/12/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Typical torrone (nougat) from Caltanissetta: Torronifico Geraci
Since 1870 the Torronificio M. Geraci manufactures typical nougats and sweets. The company is known around the world for the high quality of the ingredients and the care with which the nougat is prepared as in the "good old days".
Ricetta - 01/12/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )


The largest boutique for ITALIAN quality food at a fair price.

MAGAZZINO DI SPEDIZIONE: Via Nicoḷ Copernico 5/7 - 25020 Flero ( BS )
C.F./P.IVA/Reg. Impr. Brescia: 03443730985 - REA: BS 534780 - Capitale Sociale Euro 80.400,00

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