Ruote Pazze "Wacky wheels" by Pastificio Benedetto Cavalieri
According to Salento tradition, the name ‘Ruote Pazze’ (Crazy Wheels) derives from its not so perfect round shape. Yet when cooked they do not go flat as it happens to ‘rigatoni’ and ‘paccheri’ but remain well taut. This allows the sauce to fill freely inside and remain there. Articolo - 28/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
The Culaccia di Fontanello - an exclusive product by Salumificio Rossi
The Culaccia is the best part of the ham. It does not contain the bone nor the anterior muscle of the leg.
The Culaccia was invented by Riccardo Rossi and is produced exclusively by Salumificio Rossi. For the Culaccia only adult Italian pigs are used, which are controlled by the Consortium for ham production.
The Culaccia is produced by natural production methods. Articolo - 26/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Rigatoni with ricotta and bluefin tuna bottarga
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 400g Tumminia wheat rigatoni "La Fastuchera"
- 200g ricotta from the red cow "Az. Agricola Frascio"
- 30g bluefin bottarga 1st choice "Bottarga di Tonno Group"
- Organic extra virgin olive oil "Adamo"
- Salt from Trapani "Oro di Sicilia" Ricetta - 25/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Red garlic from Nubia - grown in an untouched nature
The red garlic from Nubia is grown in dry, loamy soil that is surrounded by the salt flats and is located inside the Natural Park of Trapani and Paceco (WWF).
The garlic is planted in December and January and picked between May and June.
The red garlic from Nubia has unique features, an intense flavor, which is due to the good microclimate.
The shells of the red garlic from Nubia are bright red and the tuber is particularly rich in allicin. Articolo - 24/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Busiata from Trapani by the artisan pasta factory "Campo" - quality at all levels
Quality at all levels - from the sowing of wheat, to the drying of the pasta.
The "Campo" noodle factory selects the finest ingredients and searches at every stage of productio the best quality in order to produce a high-quality pasta.
The Busiate by Campo are made exclusively from Sicilian durum wheat semolina and water.
Everything starts with the durum wheat. It is grown within 300 km from the factory Articolo - 21/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Buffalo ricotta "creamy and soft"
The ricotta cheese made from buffalo milk is produced across the whole year. It is made from the whey that remains after mozzarella production and from fresh buffalo milk.
The ricotta is prepared by hand with the addition of salt. The dough is soft and slightly grainy. The color is pearl white. The taste is aromatic and the ricotta is used as an ingredient of many traditional Italian dishes. Articolo - 20/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Wild rice with raw Parma ham and fresh formagella cheese
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 350 g wild rice "Principato di Lucedio"
- 100 g diced raw ham aged 18 months "San Nicola"
- 150 g Fresh Formagella cheese "Az. Agr. Frascio"
- 40 g butter "Az. Agr. Frascio"
- 1 liter of organic vegetable broth "Well"
- 1/2 glass of white wine Articolo - 19/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Calamarata with Prunilli tomato purré and "Mare Puro" tuna
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 400 g Calamarata "Gragnano in Corsa"
- 150 g Prunilli tomato purré "Az. Agr. Petrilli"
- 150 g tuna pieces in olive oil "Mare Puro"
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil Nocellara "Frantoio Cutrera"
- 1 clove of garlic
- Salty ricotta Ricetta - 17/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Vermicelli (thick spaghetti) with Apulian stracciatella (mozzarella) from Andria and bluefin bottarga
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 400 g vermicelli (thick spaghetti) "Gragnano in Corsa"
- 250 g Apulian fiordilatte Stracciatella (mozzarella) from Andria "Caseificio Olanda"
- 40 g bluefin tuna bottarga, 1st choice "La Bottarga di Tonno Group"
- Organic extra virgin olive oil "Adamo"
- 15 Sicilian almonds from Castelluzzo Ricetta - 13/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Gragnano in Corsa Paccheri with Marchesini sausages
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 400 g paccheri "Gragnano in Corsa"
- 2 sausages "Azienda Agricola Marchesini"
- 15 fresh cherry tomatoes
- Salty and mature sheep ricotta Ricetta - 12/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
The black Calabrian pork - high quality cold cuts from a long artisan Calabrian tradition
The high-quality cold cuts from the black pig from Calabria carry the brand "Nero di Calabria" of the consortium, in which the President Franco Simone works with great commitment and passion. Articolo - 11/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Parmigiano delle Vacche Rosse - a parmigiano made from the milk of red cows
The milk of the red cow has some characteristics that distinguish it from those of the Frisona cattle breed. The red cow produces one third less milk than the Frisona, but the yield of milk to cheese is greater in the red cow. The milk of the red cow contains a different variant of casein, which facilitates fermentation of milk and is important for a long maturation. This kind of parmigiano is very easy to digest.
The Parmigiano Reggiano from the milk of the red cow has to mature for at least 24 months, while the normal Parmigiano Reggiano can be put on sale after 12 months of maturation.
Despite the longer ripening period, the cheese is very delicate on the palate. The dough is soft and the color is straw yellow. Even with maturity periods of more than 30 months, the cheese is very tender. Articolo - 07/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
Pappardelle with vegetable sauce
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 400 g pappardelle "Gragnano in Corsa"
- 2 artichokes
- 2 courgettes
- 20 Sicilian almonds from Castelluzzo
- Sicilian Caciocavallo "Caseificio Poma Gioacchino"
- 10-12 tomatoes in salt and water "Masseria Dauna"
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Valli Trapanesi"
- 2 cloves of garlic from Nubia
- Salt "Oro di Sicilia" Ricetta - 06/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
"Mancini" Trenette with mullet bottarga and burrata
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 400 g Trenette "Pastificio Mancini"
- 250 g Apulian Burrata "Caseificio Olanda"
- 30 g of mullet bottarga "La Bottarga di Tonno Group"
- 10 Sicilian almonds from Castelluzzo
- Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Adamo"
- salt Ricetta - 03/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
"Favola" - The first mortadella cooked in the rind
The selected ingredients and the special taste make this mortadella so unique.
This product is gluten-free and low in fat, is easily digestible and is free of polyphosphates, milk and GMOs. Articolo - 03/02/2014 - ( Network O.I.P. )
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