It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Trade Fair Cibus 2012 in Parma: 20% of the "Made in Italy" is exported
The share of exported food "Made in Italy" has reached for the first time 20%.
Articolo - 07/05/2012 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Buon Vino Trentino. 20 wineries, 90 wines, three days of wine-tasting
This three-day event is dedicated to the Trentino region, its wines and gastronomic delights. Buon Vino Trentino will be held from 3-5. of May at Mas dela Fam in Ravina.
Articolo - 04/05/2012 - ( Network O.I.P. )

Wine: Important news about Italian Rosé 2012
Italia in Rosa: The big show for Italian rosé (and many other wines) will be held from 1 - 3rd June for the fifth time in Moniga del Garda (BS).
Articolo - 04/05/2012 - ( Network O.I.P. )


The largest boutique for ITALIAN quality food at a fair price.

MAGAZZINO DI SPEDIZIONE: Via Nicolò Copernico 5/7 - 25020 Flero ( BS )
C.F./P.IVA/Reg. Impr. Brescia: 03443730985 - REA: BS 534780 - Capitale Sociale Euro 80.400,00

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