It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

117 available items in this category

Sicilian Anchovies fillets - La Bottarga di Tonno Group

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Filetti d'acciughe Siciliane - 580 gr.
28.52 $

Sicilian fresh swordfish - Mare Nostrum

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Pesce spada di Sicilia fresco - 1,5 Kg.
69.40 $

Smoked Swordfish (Pesce Spada) - La Bottarga di Tonno Group

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Pesce Spada Affumicato - 350 gr
26.81 $
Pesce Spada Affumicato - 500/550 Gr.
36.89 $
Pesce Spada Affumicato - 900/1000 Gr.
57.61 $
Pesce Spada Affumicato - 1,00/1,05 Kg.
62.09 $

Smoked Tuna - La Bottarga di Tonno Group

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Tonno Affumicato - 500 gr.
26.70 $
Tonno Affumicato - 950/1000 Gr.
54.70 $

Swordfish filet in olive oil in jar

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Filetti di Pesce Spada in olio d'oliva in vasetto - 220 g
14.30 $

Tarantello di Tonno Rosso Fresco

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Tarantello di Tonno Rosso Fresco - 1 Kg. - Express shipping only
48.40 $
Tarantello di Tonno Rosso Fresco - 1,5 Kg. - Express shipping only
72.59 $
Tarantello di Tonno Rosso Fresco - 3,0 Kg. - Express shipping only
145.19 $
Tarantello di Tonno Rosso Fresco - 6,0 Kg. - Express shipping only
290.37 $

Tonno (Tuna fillet)Affumicato - Arcooro

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Tonno Affumicato in trancio - 1.6 kg.
67.01 $

Tuna and artichoke cream in olive oil - Mare Puro

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Crema di Tonno ai Carciofi gr. 180
7.73 $

Tuna and pistachio cream in olive oil - Mare Puro

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Crema di Tonno con Pistacchio gr. 180
9.92 $

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9 items for page.

There are 20 Italian manufacturers of high quality products in our catalogue. Please select a name to view the products on offer.

Adamas - Exclusive Italian Caviar Company profile
Agostino Recca Company profile
Arconatura Company profile
Arcooro Company profile
Armatore Company profile
Calabria Scerra Company profile
Calvisius Company profile
Campisi Company profile
Conserve SoloSole Company profile
Delfino Battista Company profile
Embrace Company profile
FERRONI & BERETTA Company profile
Filotea Company profile
Mare Nostrum Company profile
Mare Puro Company profile
Sapori del Sud Company profile
Sapori di Mare Company profile
Smeralda Company profile
Stefano Rocca Company profile
Turchet Gastronomia Company profile


The largest boutique for ITALIAN quality food at a fair price.

MAGAZZINO DI SPEDIZIONE: Via Nicolò Copernico 5/7 - 25020 Flero ( BS )
C.F./P.IVA/Reg. Impr. Brescia: 03443730985 - REA: BS 534780 - Capitale Sociale Euro 80.400,00

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