It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Consorzio Ragusano DOP

I Prodotti: Cheese

and Its Philosophy

Consorzio di Ricerca Filiera Lattiero-Casearia, "CoRFiLaC", is a Dairy Research Center founded in 1996. It is a publicly governed regional entity of Sicily in joint collaboration with the University of Catania, the township of Ragusa City and with private associations as Cooperativa Ragusa Latte, la Società Cooperativa Progetto Natura and Consorzio di Bonifica N. 8 (Consortium for land reclamation).

The Consortium is located in Ragusa and it was established with the scope to bring forth the "Iblean project" from a "dream". This project consisted in creating a link between the world of research and the world of production and consumer.

"Iblean project" and CoRFiLaC were established so that the needs of the producers and consumers become commitments of the local and foreign Universities and national and international Research Centers working in Sicily.

The method adopted was to observe the rural world in order for projects to be developed which could coordinate all the different phases from the productive process to consumer.

Among all the opportunities available CoRFiLaC chooses to bet on the traditional Sicilian dairy products that are produced in their environment and in a social, historical, picturesque and cultural context.

The big dream and vision is: To improve the quality of life in the rural world in a socio-economical context that is based on solidarity and equal opportunities, while respecting the environment, the historic and cultural heritage and all those traditions that allow man and his values to find their true space in society.

Ragusano DOP

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Ragusano DOP - 500 gr.
17.88 $


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