It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Agrigenus Agricultural Cooperative

I Prodotti: Sauces

Agrigenus to help develop the achievements of single members that over the generations have dedicated themselves to the cultivation of products of high quality that are typical of the region of Campania.

The search and constant experimentation, the adoption of production guides a lot more rigid than those predicted from public officials, are the measures taken by the Agrigenus Society for the whole productive cycle: from the seed to the finished product in a can.

The use of ecofriendly technical production that develops the natural resources, brings a drastic reduction of the use of chemical substances. Enormous advantages derive from this, whether it be for the protection of the environment or for the health of the consumer.

Web site:

Agrigenus Coop. Agricola - Pomodorino Intero in passata del Pomodorino del Piennolo di Vesuvio (Piennolo Tomatoes) 400g

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Agrigenus Coop. Agricola Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio Intero in Passata 400g -
4.32 $

Agrigenus Coop. Agricola - Pomodorino Ciliegino 400g

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Agrigenus Coop. Agricola Pomodorino Ciliegino 400g -
2.08 $

San Marzano tomatoes DOP - Agrigenus

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San Marzano tomatoes DOP - 400 g.
3.24 $


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