It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Consortium Black of Calabria

I Prodotti: Sauces Cold cuts Typical products and treats

The Consortium Black of Calabria, is born from the strong will of a group of breeders and transformers that have realized being together would be a point of strength away from the weak economy of the regional zootechnics of the black pig.

The bottom-up approach characterizes the initiative consortium and its objectives. The small farmers and smallbutchers have realized the benefits of working together, with only one purpose, enhancing the local production regardless of the logic of profit at the expense of health.

The products of the consortium respect, other than the typicality, a strict code of conduct, and careful quality control. The consortium aims to create a true supply chain capable of entering the national and European markets, which canreward those who believe and work in the chain, convinced that in the excellence of the territory hides the ferment of a sustainable development of a region such as Calabria, a development that keeps consideration of the natural environment and sees this as a resource, the black pig is part of this environment, his wild grazing contributes to the conservation of an ecosystem, and especially it’s a European example of conservation of biodiversity.

Even though recently born, the Consortium Black of Calabria, which brought together in a short time fourteen black pig farmers present in the Calabriaregion, exceeds the predetermined growth prospects for 2012.

Web site:

Consorzio Nero di Calabria - Salsiccia Rossa con Finocchietto

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Consorzio Nero di Calabria Salsiccia Rossa con Finocchietto -
23.25 $

Consorzio Nero di Calabria - (Lardo) Lard of Black Pig of Calabria

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Consorzio Nero di Calabria Fior di Lardo di Suino Nero di Calabria - 250/300g
11.13 $

Consorzio Nero di Calabria - Ragú di Nero di Calabria

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Consorzio Nero di Calabria Ragú di Nero di Calabria - 180g
13.37 $

Consorzio Nero di Calabria - Calabrian Chilli Jam (Spicy Hot)

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Consorzio Nero di Calabria Confettura di Peperoncino Calabrese (Piccante) - 200g
6.76 $


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