It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.


I Prodotti: Wine EVO Oil Bakery products

Maculan, Family Winemakers in Breganze
For three generations the Maculan family has been selecting and vinifying the best grapes in Breganze, an enchanting village, set like a small jewel at the foot of the Alps in the Veneto region. The high plains of Asiago offer natural protection and create an extremely mild climate that favors the cultivation of vines and olives. It isn't a coincidence that in the 500s, the Venetian nobility already preferred to spend their summers in this area, sojourning in the splendid villas perfectly designed by the great architect, Andrea Palladio.

The Maculan Farm
Consists of 15 hectares of estate owned vineyards in the commune of Breganze. 24 additional hectares are leased within the DOC zone of Breganze. Maculan also works with other growers, managing production of up to 50 hectares in the DOC zone of Breganze.


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38.89 $

Maculan - Madoro

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Maculan Madoro - 2016
27.60 $

Maculan - Dindarello

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Maculan Dindarello - 2021
22.22 $

Maculan - Brut Tre Volti

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Maculan Brut Tre Volti - n.v.
15.84 $


The largest boutique for ITALIAN quality food at a fair price.

MAGAZZINO DI SPEDIZIONE: Via Nicoḷ Copernico 5/7 - 25020 Flero ( BS )
C.F./P.IVA/Reg. Impr. Brescia: 03443730985 - REA: BS 534780 - Capitale Sociale Euro 80.400,00

Tel.: 0303581121 - Fax: 0302682922
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Visitatori del giorno: 6237