It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Fratelli Lunardi

I Prodotti: Bakery products

Freshly opened eyes, a deep breath, the smell of freshly baked bread.
It is the good smell of home, of family, of a company that has been making bread, savory and sweet products for over 50 years. When you get used to that smell, then you can't - and won't - do without it.

We are two brothers, born and raised in the beauty of Tuscany and lovers of the wonderful products of Italy's most beautiful regions. We decided to bring that scent - and everything behind and around that scent - to a company that bears our name.
There is a strong bond between us, that of blood, and an even stronger one, that of the passions we share. For good things and good eating, for study and research, for every raw material capable of telling a story.
We have learned to listen to them, those stories, and to respect and tell them within each of our recipes.

We make baked confectionery products: cookies, Tuscan cantucci and leavened holiday cakes. And we make them without using preservatives, dyes and chemical additives, to respect every nuance of flavor.
We are lovers of the good and the beautiful. We are Massimiliano and Riccardo, the Lunardi Brothers, artisans since 1966.

Fratelli Lunardi - Cantucci Toscani IGP con Mandorle

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Fratelli Lunardi Cantucci Toscani IGP con Mandorle - 200g
7.71 $

Fratelli Lunardi - Panforte Margherita

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Fratelli Lunardi Panforte Margherita - 300g
21.15 $

Fratelli Lunardi - Biscotti Cantucci con Cioccolato a Pezzi Grossi

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Fratelli Lunardi - Biscotti Cantucci con Cioccolato a Pezzi Grossi -200g
7.71 $


The largest boutique for ITALIAN quality food at a fair price.

MAGAZZINO DI SPEDIZIONE: Via Nicoḷ Copernico 5/7 - 25020 Flero ( BS )
C.F./P.IVA/Reg. Impr. Brescia: 03443730985 - REA: BS 534780 - Capitale Sociale Euro 80.400,00

Tel.: 0303581121 - Fax: 0302682922
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